My Drawings


Dear Friends , This Page will be updated everything I draw something new. So please make sure to scroll down every time you visit  to see my new drawings.

Thanks for the Visit and Please feel free to share your feelings                                                                                

                                                     Drawing # 1 Bambi and Thumper 

Drawing #2 Precious Moments (Heavenly Love)

Drawing # 3 Precious Moments (Gift of a Friend)

Drawing #4 Precious Moments (Love) 


                                                  Drawing # 5 

Drawing #6

Drawing # 7

Drawing #8

Drawing #9

Drawing #10


  1. Wow. You draw very well.

  2. These are very cute. I look forward to seeing more as you post them =)

    1. Thank you :) Yes ,I will post them once I am done with their scanning :)

  3. Hi Anoosha it's me again! I nominated you for a Liebester Award! If you are interested in accepting, click on the link to find out what you have to do: Liebester Award Nomination.

  4. Hello :) awwww...That's so thoughtful of you. Thank you so much :) It means so much to me. Once again Thank you so much .OMG! This is for the first time nominated ....thanks to you :)

  5. How cute! I love your art! I draw too and made one of a Precious Moments "unicorn"... hehehe, it came out cute! I'd love to see you draw one, too! xD


  6. OMG I saw this now! Dint know you draw so well! Keep up the good work :) :D


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