Maze of thoughts

Is it me who runs the thoughts in my mind ?

Or is it ,the thoughts that manifest my outside?

What do we call it, when there are no thoughts at all ?

A Subtle state mind or the silence before the storm?

                                                              Mystical ,for I know not where they come from or go to

                                                              Like the flash of lightening, they mark their presence ,

                                                            With the time, they abandon me to make room for the new

                                                               For every emotion , there's a thought lurking at mind

                                                               Pc: google search

Million thoughts stumbled across ,every single day

Leaving no mark of remembrance behind

Like the dew on leaves ,they vanish to nowhere

Fading away from the shores of our memory

                                                                      Where would I be if not with my thoughts ?

                                                                       My resort , my paradise and my dungeon

                                                                       For they can be as soothing as a cool breeze

                                                                      And as terrifying as a whirlpool

What makes our thoughts occult ?

Is it our inner unspoken emotions that haunt us as thoughts

Or is it the intangible happiness that make them our happy place ?

Be it ,this or that, thoughts are a inescapable maze or call it trap.







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