It's all about choice you make.

                                           It's not a problem until you make it .

                         No problem ever came without a solution that doesn't fit.

                                        It's never about the problem you face.

                                          It's always about the choice you make.

                                        If You have been hurt , hurt real bad.

                                       Pull yourself together and move ahead

                                            Or keep feeling for yourself sad.

                                             It's up to you to make the choice.

                                                 If your Life knocks you down

                                                 Do you choose to lay on the ground

                                                  Or try to work things around .
                                                  It's up to you to make the choice.



                                                        Confused and completely Lost

                                       Will you walk the way that's already been made.

                                   Rather  be the leader and choose a path to pave.

                                                    Again , It's your choice to make.

                                                    It's always about the choice you make .

                                                    It's always about the risks you take.

                                                    You never fall with face on the ground.

                                                    With every fall , You just become strong.

P.s - Picture is from Google Search.






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